Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What's the Deal with the Sacrament Prayers?

I recently performed my first actual "priestly" function as a recently-ordained member of the Aaronic Priesthood.  The EQP from the branch I originally attended before later moving into a new ward and then being baptized, invited me to visit the branch for sacrament meeting this past Sunday and perform the blessing over the bread.  I was grateful for the opportunity to do so and readily accepted his invitation. 

All went well, and I didn't flub the words and have to repeat the prayer.  Still, I wonder why the sacrament prayers are so often difficult to recite accurately, even when being read from a card?  There IS something about the diction that's rather clunky, and we're generally not used to verbalizing sentences with so many subordinate clauses.  But it just shouldn't be that big a deal to get through it error-free. 

A missionary told me that someone actually went inactive for awhile after messing up the sacrament prayer because he was so embarrassed.  I guess that's one advantage of being an older dude in this situation -- I've done so many embarrassing things in my life, having to re-do the sacrament prayer doesn't even warrant a tournament bid. 

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